Licking County Foundation Donor Profile: Granville Garden Club Scholarship Fund

The Granville Garden Club (GGC) scholarship was established in 2019 by members of the GGC. GGC nurtures a love and knowledge of gardens and civic pride in the community. Since 1931, GGC has been bringing beauty to our county through local projects including Granville’s crosswalk flower beds; the medians on Broadway, gardens at the Robbins Hunter Museum and many others! This scholarship assists Granville High School graduating seniors who have a strong record of academic success, community service and demonstrated interest in environmental issues and the goals of the GGC. We had the pleasure of interviewing GGC member Jill Yost about the club and scholarship. 

Why is leaving a legacy of supporting education in our community important to the GGC?

The GGC believes that supporting education in our community impacts the future of our community and the world. Encouraging learning about ecology and biology helps students realize their responsibility in preserving our planet and provides students direction for action.

What are your hopes for the recipients of the GGC Scholarship?

            The GGC hopes to encourage young people to enter environmental studies and lead others to build a more sustainable, safe environment. We hope our scholarship recipient will explore scientific methods for saving our planet and encourage symbiotic relationships between plants and insects.

What inspires you about our community?

The GGC is inspired by the many concerned and giving citizens of Licking County. So many of our neighbors are helping those in need, volunteering at food banks and coalitions for housing, donating time and money to beautify our county, and going green. We are proud to be a part of this community.

This year the GGC will be granting its first scholarship through the Licking County Foundation.

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