Licking County Fund Strives to ‘Lift All Voices’

While meeting in person was limited, 2020 was nonetheless a year of coming together in many creative ways. The COVID-19 pandemic shone a flashlight on a wide range of challenges and inequities that are sometimes taken for granted, and our community stepped up to meet those challenges. And, the events of 2020 led Licking County Foundation to create new opportunities to learn together and be able to lift each other up.

Inspired by the call for racial equity and in response to disparities of all kinds, the Licking County Foundation established the Lift All Voices Fund for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The fund will provide community leaders, decision makers, and citizens across Licking County with opportunities for professional development, education, and capacity building to help our community make strides in diversity, equity and inclusion. The Lift All Voices Fund prioritizes training and educational support to build  equitable practices in organizations, as a step toward reducing and eliminating structural racism in our community.

As we celebrate Pride Month and honor Juneteenth, Licking County Foundation remains committed to its mission to improve the quality of life for all Licking County citizens. The Foundation is committed to ensuring that Licking County is an inclusive community where residents and visitors feel welcome and safe, businesses can grow and thrive, students from kindergarten through college can achieve, and all have opportunities to lead happy, healthy and hopeful lives. We will be sharing more opportunities to learn together - and hope you’ll join us in our effort to lift all voices!