What do the new mountain biking trails at Horns Hill Park, the renewal of Utica Miller Park, and the sculpture at The Works celebrating the first solo flight around the world by a woman all have in common? All were made possible through Project Funds at the Licking County Foundation (LCF).
When a group of committed people come together to create a benefit to our community that aligns with LCF’s mission “…to improve the quality of life for all citizens of Licking County,” Project Funds can help get the job done. Volunteers take on planning and leadership, raise funds, and create awareness. LCF accepts donations – including grants and special gifts – provides administrative support, and ensures all donors feel welcomed, recognized, and heard.
Project Funds are focused and temporary. The project to create the statue of Jerrie Mock started with just $10 from two local donors who led an effort that raised nearly $48,000 from many different donors. The statue was dedicated two years later. Project Fund volunteers describe for donors how a project will impact our community to inspire generous individual, foundation, and business support. This partnership creates even greater shared enthusiasm for working together to improve lives, and provides lots of opportunity for community engagement. When a project is completed, organizations can convert remaining funds to a permanent fund to help cover maintenance and programming costs.
Licking County Foundation is grateful to work with local citizens to help their projects be successful in addressing a wide range of interests, abilities, and needs in our community. It’s one more way we can help improve lives.